Please note: Network infrastructure upgrade on Thursday 28th September starting 10am. Short outages are possible.

Transit times

Transit times are in working days to major gateway cities, and do not include customs clearance
Please check our Service alerts which details up-to-date notification relating to specific problems around the globe.

Country Transit Times Country Transit Times Country Transit Times
Afghanistan Call Georgia 3-5 Netherland Antilles 2-4
Albania 2-4 Germany 1 New Caledonia 4-5
Algeria 2-4 Ghana 2-4 New Zealand 3-4
American Samoa 4-6 Gibraltar 2 Nicaragua 3-4
Andorra 2 Greece 1 Niger 2-4
Angola 2-4 Greenland 2-3 Nigeria 2-3
Anguilla 2-4 Grenada 2-4 Niue 4-6
Antigua & Barbuda 2-3 Guadeloupe 2-4 Norway 1-2
Argentina 2-3 Guam 4-6 Oman 2-4
Armenia 3-5 Guatemala 3-4 Pakistan 2-3
Aruba 2-3 Guernsey 1 Panama 2-4
Australia 2-3 Guinea 3-5 Papua New Guinea 3-5
Austria 1 Guinea Bissau 3-5 Paraguay 2-4
Azerbaijan 3-5 Guyana 2-4 Peru 2-4
Bahamas 2-3 Haiti 2-4 Philippines 2-3
Bahrain 2 Honduras 2-4 Poland 1-2
Bangladesh 2-3 Hong Kong 2 Portugal 1
Barbados 2-3 Hungary 2 Puerto Rico 2-3
Belarus 2-4 Iceland 1-2 Qatar 2-4
Belgium 1 India 2-3 Romania 2-3
Belize 2-3 Indonesia 2-3 Russia 2
Benin 2-4 Iran 2-3 St. Kitts & Nevis 3-4
Bermuda 2-3 Iraq Call St. Lucia 3-4
Bhutan 3-4 Ireland 1 St. Vincent 3-4
Bolivia 2-4 Isle of Man 1 San Marino 2
Bosnia Herzegovina 2-4 Israel 1-2 Saudi Arabia 2-3
Botswana 2-4 Italy 1 Senegal 2-4
Brazil 2-3 Ivory Coast 2-4 Serbia 2-3
Brunei Darussalam 3-4 Jamaica 2-4 Seychelles 2-3
Bulgaria 2-3 Japan 2 Sierra Leone 3-5
Burkina 2-4 Jersey 1 Singapore 2
Burundi 2-4 Jordan 2-3 Slovakia 2
Cambodia 3-5 Kazakhstan 3-5 Slovenia 2
Cameroon 2-4 Kenya 1-3 Solomon Islands 4-6
Canada 1-2 Kiribati 4-6 Somalia 3-5
Cape Verde 3-5 Kuwait 2-3 South Africa 1-2
Cayman Islands 3-4 Kyrgyzstan 3-5 South Korea 2-3
Central Afr. Rep. 3-5 Laos 3-5 Spain 1
Chad 2-4 Latvia 2-3 Sri Lanka 2-4
Chile 2-4 Lebanon 2-4 Sudan 2-3
China 3-5 Lesotho 2-4 Suriname 2-4
Colombia 2-4 Liberia 4-6 Swaziland 2-3
Congo 3-5 Libya 4-2 Sweden 1
Cook Islands 3-5 Liechtenstein 2 Switzerland 1-2
Costa Rica 2-4 Lithuania 2 Syria 2-4
Croatia 2-3 Luxembourg 1 Taiwan 2-3
Cuba 3-5 Macedonia 2 Tajikistan 3-5
Cyprus 1-2 Madagascar 2-4 Tanzania 2-4
Czech Republic 1-2 Malawi 2-4 Thailand 2-3
Denmark 1 Malaysia 2-3 Togo 2-4
Djibouti 3-4 Maldives 3-5 Tonga 4-6
Dominica 3-4 Mali 2-4 Trinidad & Tobago 2-3
Dominican Rep. 3-4 Malta 2 Tunisia 2-4
Ecuador 3-4 Martinique 2-4 Turkey 1-2
Egypt 2-3 Mauritania 2-4 Turkmenistan 3-5
El Salvador 3-4 Mauritius 2-4 Turks & Caicos 3-5
Equatorial Guinea 3-5 Mexico 2-3 Uganda 2-4
Eritrea 3-5 Micronesia Call Ukraine 2-4
Estonia 2-3 Moldova 2-4 U.A.E. 1-2
Ethiopia 3-5 Monaco 2 UK 1
Faroe Islands 3-4 Mongolia 3-4 Uruguay 3-4
Fiji 3-5 Montserrat 3-5 USA 1-2
Finland 1 Morocco 2-3 Uzbekistan 2-4
France 1 Mozambique 2-4 Venezuela 3-4
French Guiana 3-6 Myanmar 3-5 Vietnam 2-4
French Polynesia Call Namibia 2-4 Virgin Islands 3-4
Gabon 2-4 Nepal 3-5 Yemen 2-4
Gambia 2-4 Netherlands 1 Zambia 2-3

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