Please note: Network infrastructure upgrade on Thursday 28th September starting 10am. Short outages are possible.


Your OCS Worldwide experience Yes No      
Are you greeted in a professional and courteous way when contacting OCS Worldwide either by telephone or email?
OCS Worldwide staff are confident and knowledgeable?
Do you feel you are kept adequately informed of any delays / problems with your shipments?
Is your driver friendly and helpful?
When ordering stock do you feel it is actioned accordingly?
When we receive an invoice from OCS Worldwide it is clear and easy to reconcile?
Feedback Email Phone Both
How do you prefer to be advised of transit delays?
To ensure the personal touch remains our specialty, which method of communication do you prefer?
Are you aware of the range of our services? Yes No
International & Domestic courier?
International Mail
International Ecommerce delivery
International Air Cargo
European road freight
Exhibition Logistics
Media and Subscription services
Flexible direct
London overnight hand delivery
Do you wish to receive more information on any of these?
Do you find our website easy to navigate around?
Do you feel it provides you with information you require?
Are you currently a Selfship user?
Do you feel any changes could be made?
Are there any other services you feel OCS Worldwide could offer?
Do you have any suggestions that you feel could help us to improve our overall services?